This past weekend was a busy one for us, as they all seem to be these days. We started out on Friday with a 2nd grade field trip to Birmingham to the WcWane Center. Hair cut immediately after arriving back in T-town and then over to some friends house to hang out and visit for the evening. At the same time Samuel has basketball practice at 6:00. Up bright and early Saturday morning and head back to Birmingham for the Mercedes Marathon kids run. That was fun! Now we are all starving and ready for lunch and it is Valentine's day so let's do something special. Let me remind you that our family FUN time has been limited lately with my working extra and all of the busyness we have going on. So, we decided to have lunch and go bowling. We had a great time and arrived back home around 5:00 that evening. Thank goodness it was a long weekend with no school on Monday. Samuel decided sometime during the week that he wanted to go fishing with his Dad for Valentine's day. So Sunday afternoon they head out to Zidon and had a blast. Samuel is still talking about the "big one" he caught that his daddy wouldn't let him keep. I stayed home with John Michael and he took an extra long nap, catching up for all of the activities I guess. I actually relaxed and watched a couple of movies while doing laundry in between. I finally got to watch "Nights in Rodanthe" and rewatched "Pearl Harbor". I had forgotten how good "Pearl Harbor" was, and how long, and I also liked "Nights in Rodanthe" actually more than I thought I would. I love to read Nicholas Sparks and always enjoy the movies but why do they always have to end so sad?!? Anyway, I enjoyed it and really enjoyed the down time.
A couple weeks ago, John Michael got his first hair cut. Now he looks like a big boy!! I love those chubby cheeks!