everyday life.... memories in the making

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Happy Birthday and Other Happenings

Tomorrow (Thursday) we will celebrate Joseph's 40th birthday! Soooo...if you see him, you have my permission to give him a hard time about it. I remember very distinctly, and so does he, him saying several years ago (even before we had Samuel) that he did not want to be a 40 year old with a 2 year old running around. Well guess what? Tomorrow he is 40 and in June John Michael will be 2!! Funny how things work out! Basketball is well underway and Samuel is having a great time. He is on the same team with several of his good buddies from church and school so he loves that. He also loves the games and just has a great time. John Michael loves it too!!! So much so that we can't keep him off the court! Talk about keeping us busy!!! Since Joseph and I are both accountants, January is always a busy month for us and even more so this year. Back in December I was approached about doing some Audit and Tax work for a local CPA firm on a part time basis through tax season. Well, there goes my Tuesday and Thursdays at home. So we are just trying to stay afloat these days and my Mom has been a lifesaver by coming down a couple of days each week to stay at home with John Michael. She has been spending the night so Samuel has really enjoyed playing board games with her after John Michael has gone to bed. Joseph and I really appreciate her help (she always catches us up on laundry). John Michael loves staying with her and she enjoys the special time with both boys. I am actually enjoying the audit work more than I thought I would. I think I was kind of ready for a change of pace and it is nice knowing that it is only temporary. Come March/April I will be done, until next year. It is amazing how God gives you what you need just when you need it. He is giving me extra measures of patience at home and the energy and good health to keep this pace up and meet my obligations. We are looking forward to a little break soon and heading North to visit good friends and hopefully see some snow and even do a little snow skiing.

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