everyday life.... memories in the making

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Early Halloween Happenings

Last night we kicked off our Halloween activities with Spooky Story Hour & Costume Party at the library and by attending the Alabama Athletics Halloween Extravaganza and then going out to dinner. The Spooky Story Hour at the library was, of course, geared more for John Michael's age but Samuel was a great sport about it and sat and read his book while his brother enjoyed the stories and other activities. Samuel dressed up as Nick Saban and John Michael was an Alabama football player (Trent Richardson).

John Michael with his werewolf teeth he got as his treat at story hour.

The master story-teller at the Library... She did a great job just telling the stories rather than reading them. The Alabama Athletics Halloween Extravaganza hosted at the indoor practice arena.
Lamichael Fanning - Defensive Lineman
Nico Johnson - Linebacker

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