everyday life.... memories in the making

Friday, January 6, 2012

Christmas at our house - 2011

Those who know me best know that I love to change things around in our house and I love to 'piddle' around with decorating and trying new things. Christmas comes with a lot of opportunities to make some festive changes to enjoy for a short while. While I do tire of the extra stuff/clutter that the Christmas season brings and I am usually ready to bid it farewell, I really enjoy it for the season.
Our Tree this year...
Joseph & I bought the star for our first Christmas tree in 1991 & it still works.
Our front door...
The old sled has been in Joseph's family for more than fifty years. His parents bought it before he was even born when they lived in Upstate New York. Wouldn't take anything for it!
Front entryway table... I found this Santa at a Dollar General many years ago and I still love him.
Every year we make some homemade goodies to share with our neighbors. This year we had two new families move into our neighborhood in the last few months and we had not met them yet. So, we decided to make some easy chocolate fudge and some homemade hot chocolate mix (recipe from my dear friend Karen), store it in cute little containers, and hand deliver to each of our neighbors. The boys loved this! We bundled up, packed the wagon with our goodies to deliver, and walked to each home, made our delivery and wished them a Merry Christmas. The boys were sad when the last delivery had been made and we enjoyed meeting our new neighbors. The hot chocolate mix was a hit...
A Pinterest Project from some reclaimed wood from our front steps we replaced earlier in the year. I didn't do anything to the red wood pieces... I left them just as they were and loved how they turned out. A Christmas Nativity...
Another Pinterest project some friends and I got together and did. I love this project and it was such a fun night!
We made a quick trip to Birmingham to see Santa and we have some precious memories of this occasion with John Michael. I will have to post pictures later but it is a classic complete with plaid shirt, boots, cowboy hat, and even the gun sitting across his lap. Too cute and soooo JM. The elves, Elfie and Bedford, showed up again this year too and many good memories were made with them. They even went on our cruise with us! Yep, they were hid out in our car all buckled up and ready to go. They got into lots of other mischief as well such as zip-lines, blue angels air-planes, cookies, etc. Such a great memory-maker for our family. It was a blessed Christmas. More family pics later.

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