For several months now, Joseph and our boys have been obsessed with Bigfoot. They watch every episode of "Finding Bigfoot", have researched sightings online, read various articles with supporting evidence of the creature's existence, weighed the evidence and came to each of their own conclusions. Which, I might add, are subject to change from one day to the next depending on the latest information. Joseph is inclined to think there is "something" out there but not sure what it is exactly. Samuel does not believe Bigfoot exists. According to him, there is not enough reliable information. John Michael? Absolutely! He believes it 100%. Thus the reason he is afraid to go and brush his teeth by himself some nights. Regardless of whether Bigfoot exists or not is beside the point. I don't really care either way. What I do LOVE about all of this is watching these boys have fun with an idea and share a common fascination with something that boys are just, for some reason, naturally drawn to. I also believe it has been somewhat educational for them. The research.... this article leading to a new idea and further research.... weighing out the statistics and the reliability of the information. etc. Joseph has a book from his childhood that was one of his favorites called "The Boy who saw Bigfoot". We still have his tattered and torn copy from many years ago when he was just a boy himself enthralled with the idea of Bigfoot. He has been reading it to Samuel and John Michael chapter by chapter, night after night. Every night they are filled with the excitement of the anticipation of what the next chapter will bring. I am quite sure that these are memories they will carry with them for a lifetime and perhaps will one day share with their own sons. Whether Bigfoot is real or not is completely beside the point.
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